The course emphasizes on math concept development, critical thinking, and efficient problem-solving skills. Students will learn number theory, prime factorization, common multiples, properties of fractions, decimals, negative number, geometry, perimeter, area, surface area, 3-D measures and volume, ratios, percentage, angles, average and rate, statistics & data analysis, algebra, and more. Weekly Challenging word problems to prepare for math competitions.
Completed 4th-grade class or passed an assessment
New or non-current students are required to complete an evaluation before enrollment.
Sign up for a Free Evaluation Here
$100 (Non-refundable)
Tuition can be found at A separate invoice for tuition will be emailed from later to the email address you provide in this registration. Any applicable discounts or credits will be included in the separate invoice. Your spot will be reserved after the tuition is paid with that invoice from Please check your spam folder and contact us if you don’t receive the invoice.
Late Enrollment
The tuition and discount will be prorated according to the number of sessions remaining if a student enrolls after the course starts.
8/18/2024 — 5/31/2025
Number of Classes: 36
Registration starts on 05/29/2024 and ends on 05/31/2025.
Please contact MathSeed if you have any questions.